Verify your pakistani CNIC (computerized national id card) number through sms from NADRA . just type your CNIC number and click on send button then send sms from your smartphone app after that you will get cnic information & details with sms from NADRA.
Note : by sending sms you will be charged according to NADRA standard cnic number verification charges.</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">通过从NADRA短信验证您的巴基斯坦CNIC(计算机化的国民身份证)号码。只需要输入你的CNIC号码,点击发送按钮后,再从你的智能手机应用程序发送短信,你会得到CNIC信息及与NADRA短信的详细信息。
注:送你将根据NADRA标准CNIC号码验证费收取短信。</div> <div class="show-more-end">